Oh, August

August is usually a big month for us.  It holds my mom’s & Daniel’s dad’s birthdays, usually a Botox trip, and usually it’s back to school month.  This year was of course, different, being our fifth month home. We did lots of relaxing and reading.  I think Audrey has probably read 75 chapter books since March.  We’re getting good at relaxing. Sibby is too. 

And speaking of relaxing, I would feel remiss if I did not mention that while we are privileged to be able to stay home during this time and have thus far been safe and well, I grieve the loss COVID has wrought around the world, and I grieve the awful bloodshed and turmoil here in the States. Who doesn’t?  I voted and I pray. But at this time, whatever skills that I may have are needed at home because my girls are both immunocompromised and my task and privilege is to take care of them.  So that’s what I’m trying to do and I plan to enjoy it as much as possible. Peace. 

This August, we didn’t see anyone technically for birthdays but we did drive up the hill for cell service so I could call my mom and sing happy birthday.  My littlest sister answered and we sang to her accidentally. Coincidentally, our ‘neighbors’ closest to the hot cell spot raise pigs.  So the girls had an interesting view for the phone call. 

We cancelled Botox this year. We are hoping to start up again next spring. The girls’ joints are getting pretty tight. And we didn’t have an official first day of school, because we were finishing up Art. 

(((THIS FACE!!!)))

August was actually pretty mild for Arkansas.  We thoroughly enjoyed some river time this year, social-distanced style with family, and had a small sand bar beach day that was just the four of us. 

My aunt sent me a quilt that I had pieced together and she and my uncle machine quilted.  They are talented in artistry and execution.  This is the second of my quilts that they’ve quilted and by quilted I mean: fixed, made, breathed life into.  It was so inspiring that I decided to go through my scrap pile and I made two more. 

Then, we had an exciting morning because a turkey vulture made a kamakazi landing on a couple power lines, blew a hole out his chest and blew out our power for a few hours.  The power still worked in the shop so I made my morning cappuccino in there.  Desperate times. During a quarantine when you’ve been home for five months, this is a significant event. Daniel called the power company and they came out and fixed us up.  Which was educational. We sent them off with cheers and thanks from the front porch. Beware!  There's a picture of a dead bird below. 

We had some memorable sunsets.

One week we had a flea infestation.  No pictures, you’re welcome.  I had to get the house setup, get the girls and the cat out, bomb it, and then clean up after, which was such a bummer.  We had fleas in our house about four years ago and I hated it then too.  I know, I know: first world problems, but it still was miserable. And this time, flea collars didn't work at all, so we used a flea oil on the cats and they both got sick, which was awful.  Tremors, the whole works.  I had to basically spoon feed them chicken broth to keep them hydrated. I prayed for them and had everyone in the house and my mom pray for them.  Thankfully, Sibby and Lola both recovered.  Boo on chemicals and boo on fleas. 

I cooked a lot.  That’s something that hasn’t changed due to covid, but Daniel took a picture anyway. He was probably commemorating the fact that I had pants on.  

And Audrey grew a beard.

Also, one might notice a lack of Daniel projects here.  We are working on a chicken coop.  We're recycling the mushroom shed.  It's not done yet, but what has been done is 95% Daniel's work.  And of course, I don't have any pictures of him working.  

But if you're missing seeing our main guy, you can check out his projects in IG @arkentero 

He posts off-roading pics and work on his Monteros.  The off-road pics show off their trucks (I've been told SUVs aren't called cars-they're called trucks) and some nice Arkansas scenery on back roads and trails. There's lots to enjoy:)


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